Cognitive Linguistics and its tools in studying conceptual metaphor: research and practice in ESP

Марыя Лойка

Марыя Лойка - Гродзенскi дзяржаўны унiверсiтәт iмя Янкi Купалы. Фiлалагiчны факультәт. Кафедра замежных моў

Жанна Караткевiч

Жанна Караткевiч - Гродзенскi дзяржаўны унiверсiтәт iмя Янкi Купалы. Фiлалагiчны факультәт. Кафедра англiйскай фiлалогii


The purpose of the study is to show how the insights of cognitive linguistics can be applied in teaching/learning figurative expressions and develop an invariantmodel of communicativeoriented ESP teaching process. The research goal is associated with solving the tasks of theoretical and practical plans, such as studying a conceptual metaphor from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics and the theory of communicative foreign language teaching. Three practical tasks have been fulfilled: a sample of metaphorical expressions from authentic sources has been made and analyzed, and a sequence of the learning process stages and appropriate sources of information for use as a means of studying metaphor has been determined. A complex of research methods was applied, including linguistic analysis as well as linguodidactic methods of modelling, experimental teaching and questioning surveying. As a result of the study, a model of communicative-oriented teaching / learning of conceptual metaphor within ESP process has been elaborated.

Ключові слова:

cognitive linguistics, metaphor, economic discourse, integrated language skills development, materials design

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Лойка, М. і Караткевiч Ж. (2021) «Cognitive Linguistics and its tools in studying conceptual metaphor: research and practice in ESP», Linguodidactica, 25, с. 101–111. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2021.25.08.

Марыя Лойка 
Марыя Лойка - Гродзенскi дзяржаўны унiверсiтәт iмя Янкi Купалы. Фiлалагiчны факультәт. Кафедра замежных моў
Жанна Караткевiч 
Жанна Караткевiч - Гродзенскi дзяржаўны унiверсiтәт iмя Янкi Купалы. Фiлалагiчны факультәт. Кафедра англiйскай фiлалогii