Фразеалогiя славянскiх моў: семантычны аспект
Алена Садоўская
УА “Гродзенскi дзяржаўны ўнiверсiтэт iмя Янкi Купалы”, Фiлалагiчны факультэт, Кафедра беларускай фiлалогiiAbstrakt
The article deals with the semantic paradigm of phraseological units that are used in Slavic languages. Paradigmatic relations in the sphere of phraseology are: phraseological units of synonymous and antonymic character, variance, polysemy, classification by semantic cohesion of components. Our attention is drawn to the peculiarities of the manifestation of synonymy and variance, since these phenomena did not find a systematic and comprehensive description in Belarusian linguistics in relation to the phraseological units of the Slavic languages. Different views on the definition of the term “phraseological synonyms” are analyzed. The structure of the synonymic series of phraseological units is determined, types of synonyms among the analyzed linguistic units are characterized (absolute, semantic, stylistic, semantic-stylistic). The criteria for the selection of a dominant unit – idiom, which leads a synonymous series of phraseological units are proposed. The grammatical structure of phraseological synonyms is considered and, accordingly, single-structure and similar-structural units are singled out and described. Certain regularities in the manifestation of variability in the sphere of phraseology are revealed. The peculiarities and the degree of distribution of eight types of phraseological variation are singled out and characterized: lexical, accentual, phonetic, accent-phonetic, word-forming, morphological, constructive-quantitative, combined.
Słowa kluczowe:
фразеалагiзм, семантычная парадыгма, сiнонiмы, варыянтнасцьBibliografia
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