W kręgu problemów rosyjskiego „nowego realizmu”. Proza Romana Sienczyna

Wanda Supa


The article discusses the issues (the image of contemporary Siberia, the post-Soviet village, “little man” of our time) and the poetics of Senchin’s autobiographical trilogy and novels: "The Yeltyshevs, The Information, What do You Want?" in the context of interpretation of the term “new realism”. The article focuses on the relationship between reality and fiction, reality and language, biographical fact and its literary articulation, contemporary realization of category of typicality and representativeness. The problems described by Senchin were considered with regard to the literary tradition of the 19th and 20th centuries, especially the so-called “rural prose”.

Słowa kluczowe:

„nowy” realizm, rzeczywistość postsowiecka, Sybir, prawda, mimetyzm



Supa, W. (2014) „W kręgu problemów rosyjskiego «nowego realizmu». Proza Romana Sienczyna”, Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 14(14), s. 119–131. doi: 10.15290/sw.2014.14.09.

Wanda Supa