O pojęciu konotacji w lingwistyce (na przykładach polskich i rosyjskich)
Elżbieta Bogdanowicz
The paper focuses on the notion of connotation functioning in linguistics at the level of syntax and semantics. Whereas syntactic connotation is the foundation of sentence formation within syntax connotation has two different meanings as regards semantic linguistic facts. Firstly, in opposition to denotation, it is the content corresponding to the name of the concept (logical and philosophical approach). Secondly, connotation refers to associative properties, complementary ones, in the semantic structure of the word (lexicographical-linguistic approach). Connotation within semantics is a direct application of the basic premise of cognitive linguistics, the statement that semantic description shows how speakers of the language understand a word. Therefore, the semantic structure of separate words includes both the features intuitively considered relevant, distinctive and typical of the denoted item, the ones essential for identifying words clearly, as well as connotative elements such as knowledge of irrelevant attributes that speakers bring to mind.