"Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie" - a scientific yearly devoted to the issues of the language and literature of the East Slavic nations and related disciplines such as cultural studies, intercultural communication, translation studies, Polish-East Slavic comparative studies. We publish articles on theoretical and applied linguistics, in a synchronic and diachronic perspective, theory and history of literature, literary criticism, as well as works of an interdisciplinary nature. In addition to scientific articles, the journal publishes reviews of domestic and foreign publications and reports on scientific events. The editors of the journal attach great importance to the internationalization of research results. The texts are published in East Slavic, Polish and English.

The journal „Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie” has been included in the ministerial list of scored scientific journals since 2010. The current score is 40 points.

ISSN: 1642-557X (Print) DOI: 10.15290

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