Guidelines for authors
- The annual "Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie" accepts materials that have not been published anywhere before.
- Articles published in the yearly are reviewed (review form template). Two independent reviewers from outside the unit are appointed to evaluate each publication. The author (s) and reviewers do not know their identities (the so-called double-blind review process). The names of the reviewers of individual publications / issues are not disclosed. The list of reviewers cooperating with the journal is available in every issue of the journal and on the website.
- The editors inform that any detected cases of "ghostwriting" and "guest authorship" will be disclosed, including notification of relevant entities. The editorial office requires the authors of the publication to disclose the contribution of individual authors to the publication (including their affiliation and contribution, i.e. information who is the author of the concepts, assumptions, methods, protocol, etc. used in the preparation of the publication). The relevant declaration form is available on the yearly website.
- The yearly "Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie" publishes materials in East Slavic, Polish and other European languages.
- In addition to the articles, the editorial office also publishes:
a) substantive, evaluative and polemical reviews (up to 5 typewritten pages);
b) information about books (up to 2 typescript pages);
c) reports from scientific sessions and conferences (up to 3 typescript pages).
- The editorial office accepts materials for publication until September 30
- The original version of all articles in the yearbook is the paper version.
Rules for preparing articles for publication in the journal "Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie:
- the size of texts should not exceed 20 pages of a standardized computer description (A4 format; outer, inner, top and bottom margins: 2.5 cm; font: Times New Roman 12 points; line spacing: 1.5 lines)
- text in Word (doc) format: record in the upper left corner: author's name and surname, name of the research unit (University, Faculty, Institute / Department), telephone number, author's e-mail address (font size - 12 points, italics), number ORCID;
- title of the article centered (font size - 14 points, bold), subheadings: left justified (font size - 12 points, bold, with Arabic numbering);
- the keywords (3-5) in the language of the article should be placed under the title (font size - 10 points);
- highlight in italics all the words, phrases and sentences discussed, and also the titles of articles, books and their parts; - footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the article page (Times New Roman 10 point font, line spacing: 1 line); - references to literature should be placed in the main text, in accordance with the following convention: [Nowak 1987, 52];
- in texts in Polish, English and other European languages, please provide quotations and footnotes in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian in the original (not in transliteration);
- texts in Polish and other European languages should contain an abstract in English; texts in English - summary in Polish (up to 0.5 pages, the title and keywords should also be translated);
- a reference list should be provided in alphabetical order at the end of the article (first the literature in the language of the article, then the rest); Times New Roman 12 point font; line spacing: 1.0 line;
- the bibliographic description of electronic documents should additionally contain information about the type of carrier (in square brackets), eg [CD-ROM], [online];
- the description of online documents should include the address at which the position on the web can be found and the date of access (in square brackets).
- Bibliographic items written in Cyrillic alphabet should have a transliterated variant in accordance with PN-ISO 9: 2000. Transliteration should be done automatically at (check whether the PN-ISO 9: 2000 system has been selected). After the transliterated notation in square brackets, we put the notation in Cyrillic.
Reference examples:
Kowalski J., 1990, Historia literatury, Kraków.
Nowak A., 1987, Z dziejów piśmiennictwa, [w:] Historia cywilizacji, Warszawa, s. 98–105.
Nowacki J., 1963, Teoria aktów mowy, „Przegląd Językoznawczy” nr 7, s. 45–53.
Kopaliński W., 1988, Słownik wyrazów obcych i zwrotów obcojęzycznych [CD-Rom], Łódź.
Przewodnik po kulturze Rosyjskiej w Polsce, cz. 3, 2010, Warszawa, [online],, [28.09.2011]
Zemskaâ A.E., 1982, Slovoobrazovanie kak deâtelʹnostʹ, Moskva. [Земская А.Е., 1982, Словообразование как деятельность, Москва.]