The representation of emotions of the group «compassion» in the Ukrainian language world picture

Larysa Nikołajenko

Iнститут мовознавства iм. О.О. Потебнi, Нацiональної Академiї Наук України, Вiддiл слов’янських мов


Analyzing co-occurrence of nouns naming emotions of the group «Compassion» with other words as registered in the Ukrainian national linguistic corpus, the author provides the description of these emotions in the world picture of Ukrainian: their outer and inner manifestations, intensity, duration, thermal and quantitative characteristics as well as their assessment. Also, she describes the conceptualization of emotions of the group «Compassion» in Ukrainian language consciousness.


conceptualization, description, representation of emotions, language picture of the world, associative images


Nikołajenko, L. . (2019) “The representation of emotions of the group «compassion» in the Ukrainian language world picture”, Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 19, pp. 349–360. doi: 10.15290/sw.2019.19.24.

Larysa Nikołajenko 
Iнститут мовознавства iм. О.О. Потебнi, Нацiональної Академiї Наук України, Вiддiл слов’янських мов