Features of the nomination of pharmacies: semantic zoning
Анна Мезенко
Учреждение образования «Витебский государственный университет имени П.М. Машерова», Филологический факультет, Кафедра общего и русского языкознанияAbstract
The report considers the features of the pharmacy nomination in three cities of similar size and status in Belarus, Poland and Russia – Vitebsk, Bydgoszcz and Smolensk; semantic zones of vocabulary participating in formation of names of pharmacies – “system”, “treatment” and “health” are revealed; the groups of names forming these semantic zones are established (in the zone I: the order of discovery, location, purpose, status, in zone II: experts, names, medicines, herbs, in zone III: the professional branch, desire, effect) and the specifics of their use. It is emphasized that the analysis of this category of onyms will contribute to the creation of a more complete onym picture of each of the regions, will allow to reveal both general and specific nominative and cultural features of the compared onomasticons.
оним, ономастикон, товароним, прагматоним, семантическое зонированиеReferences
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Учреждение образования «Витебский государственный университет имени П.М. Машерова», Филологический факультет, Кафедра общего и русского языкознания