The language of the younger generation of Komarovshchyzna (based on field research realized in the Myadzyel region in Minsk oblast)

Anna Żebrowska


This article presents the contemporary linguistic situation, which can be noticed among the younger generation of Komarowo rural residents (Komarovshchyzna14). The considerations are based on the results of field studies carried out in 2010–2014 in the Myadzyel region (Myadzyel Raion), on the analysis of questionnaires and observation and experience arising by virtue of the origin of the above-mentioned area. Analysis of collected material shows that young people declare their more frequent use of the regional variation of the Russian language than literary Belarusian language or a local subdialect. Literary language is spoken only in the classroom at school, since there is the Belarusian school at Komarowo, but during the intervals and outside the school, young people communicate in Russian. The Russian language is considered to be prestigious, urban and spoken outside the village.


sytuacja językowa, regionalna odmiana języka rosyjskiego, gwara miejscowa

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Żebrowska, A. (2015) “The language of the younger generation of Komarovshchyzna (based on field research realized in the Myadzyel region in Minsk oblast)”, Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 15(15), pp. 509–520. doi: 10.15290/sw.2015.15.37.

Anna Żebrowska