Situations of etiquette framing in Russian and Belarusian languages (on the basis of folk tales)

Татьяна Савчук


The article presents the results of the comparative study of etiquette frame situations (greetings and farewells) formed on the linguistic material of Russian and Belarusian folk tales. Speech etiquette funds analysis is held in two directions: the vocabulary and grammar, i.e. set of etiquette signs and features of their functioning, paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations. Special attention is given to the units of communication – dialogic unities formed with replicas of speech etiquette, including the ways of horizontal scanning replicas, receptions organization etiquette texts. The analysis is done with the diachronic aspect: the distinctive features of functioning of speech etiquette designs with the meaning of greetings and farewells in folk prose on the background of their current use. Based on the identified similarities and differences of speech etiquette microsystems of greeting and farewell of Russian and Belarusian languages concludes that the formulas of politeness reflect national specifics of each of these closely related languages that represent the identity of Russian and Belarusian cultures.


речевой этикет, ситуация этикетного обрамления, приветствие, прощание, этикетный знак

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Савчук, Т. (2015) “Situations of etiquette framing in Russian and Belarusian languages (on the basis of folk tales)”, Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 15(15), pp. 429–443. doi: 10.15290/sw.2015.15.32.

Татьяна Савчук