Horodlo Acts of 1413 as the source of the history of Polish and Lithuanian-Ruthenian anthroponymy
Lilia Citko
Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuAbstract
In the article medieval proper names certified in the sources of Horodlo union are discussed. Their new edition was published by Lithuanian and Polish historians (Horodlo Acts of 1413 (Documents and Studies), J. Kiaupien˙e, L. Korczak (eds) Vilnius–Kraków 2013). They document an interesting stage in the development of the noble names in Poland and the names of boyars in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In the anthroponymy of these social groups the 15th century was the period of withdrawing from one-name nomination and gradual reinforcement of two-name system – the first name and the second naming word. Place names (analytical and synthetic), appellative words of nickname type, heraldic names and patronims performed the function of proto-surname. Structurally two-element models prevail but one- and three-element formulae are also observed.
źródła historyczne, antroponimia, kategoria onimiczna, model nominacjiReferences
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