National cultural specificity of Russian Belarusian language contacts

Людмила Чернышова


Except its commonness Russian and Belarusian worldview contains differences that signal about specificity in culture and mentality. Explication and taking into account national cultural information encoded at all language levels secure high quality of native speakers’ contacting. Some linguists identify communication as interaction of “speaking perceptions”, emphasizing that for such interaction they need the intersection of communicators’ cognitive fields: the larger the area of intersection the more adequate communication. In the article by the example of different language levels there was displayed that Russian and Belarusian “speaking perception” possesses peculiarities reflected in language and developing in the process of communication.


коммуникация, языковые контакты, языковая картина мира, национально-культурный компонент, концептуализация

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Чернышова, Л. (2015) “National cultural specificity of Russian Belarusian language contacts”, Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 15(15), pp. 219–225. doi: 10.15290/sw.2015.15.15.

Людмила Чернышова