Ethnonyms in Russian and Polish lexicographical works

Leonarda Dacewicz


Comparative analysis of Russian and Polish ethnonyms shows both similarities and distinctions of lexical strata in these cognate Slavic languages. One of the reasons of discrepancy in Russian and Polish ethnonymical vocabularies is different suffixes, which are used in ethnonyms formation. The most productive suffix in Russian is -ец, in Polish – -czyk. There are ethnonyms in the dictionaries of the Russian language but there are not ones in the dictionaries of the Polish language (for instance, Słownik języka polskiego, red. M. Szymczak). There are three grammatical forms of Russian ethnonyms (forms of masculine and feminine gender and the plural form) and two forms of Polish equivalents (only the forms of masculine and feminine gender) in Russian-Polish Dictionaries. It is difficult to form the plural of less known Polish ethnonyms. One have to find these forms in special dictionaries (Słownik nazw własnych).


этнонимы, словообразовательные типы, русско-польские словари



Dacewicz, L. (2014) “Ethnonyms in Russian and Polish lexicographical works”, Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 14(14), pp. 380–382. doi: 10.15290/sw.2014.14.13.

Leonarda Dacewicz