Language of the gospel (1771) in comparition with the first complete printed edition of the church Slavonic Bible (1581)(nominal and verb inflection)
Małgorzata Kurianowicz
Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuAbstract
The article is focused on morphological analysis of two Slavonic Gospels: the first complete printed edition of the Church Slavonic Bible (1581) and the18th century altar Gospel, which is kept in Orthodoxmonastery in Jabłeczna (south–east Poland). The comparison of these two texts on linguistic level permits to ascertain, that over three hundred years morphological features nouns and verbs have changed. The main aim of these changes was to eliminate a homonymy which hindered text perception and caused many misunderstandings. In order to improve the biblical text, proofreaders replaced soft endings with hard endings. Did they achieve their aim? Only the Church Slavonic Bible readers can answer this question.
Biblia cerkiewnosłowiańska redakcji ruskiej, fleksja imienna, fleksja werbalnaUniwersytet w Białymstoku