Interference as a component of writing strategy in Sasha Sokolov’s novel Между собакой и волком (Between Dog and Wolf)

Weronika Biegluk-Leś


Sasha Sokolov’s novel Между собакой и волком (Between Dog and Wolf) sustains a chain of stories and micro-stories built on interfering genre-aware language games, on all levels, from prosody to semantics. Thus a reader is seriously challenged by processuality and overt relativeness of the text meanings. She meets deep genre-mixing, multidimensional characters, settings and plot, ontologic and epistemic instability, alternating repetitions, shifting narrative instances and intertextual references. Sokolov avoids stable limits between fictional components of the world he has created. Instead of realistic approach, he submits a disturbing but fascinating out of focus worldview, as the title of the novel early suggests.


interferencja, gra, intertekstualność



Biegluk-Leś, W. (2013) “Interference as a component of writing strategy in Sasha Sokolov’s novel Между собакой и волком (Between Dog and Wolf)”, Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 13(13), pp. 175–194. doi: 10.15290/sw.2013.13.14.

Weronika Biegluk-Leś