Biblical reminiscences of Wojciech Żukrowski’s work

Anna Wzorek


The article is about biblical reminiscences of Wojciech Żukrowski’s prose. The author refers to the Bible directly and indirectly. Biblical references appear in his most important works such as: Lotna, Kamienne tablice, Z kraju milczenia and also in his collection of grotesque short stories. Unfortunately the value of his books is different and some of them are not well developed. The writer merely mentions biblical plots on numerous occasions (for example, Święta cytryna, Pan Gołębiewski, Plaża nad Styksem, Zapach psiej sierści). In two of his stories (Ręka Ojca, Kamienne tablice) biblical connections are indicated in the titles only and they dissatisfy both: critics and readers. Without a doubt, the story of Lazarus (Wskrzeszony Łazarz) is the most interesting and valuable biblical work of Żukrowski. The writer shows his original writing in this case. He demonstrates the other face of Lazarus of Bethany, which indeed is out of our imagination. Returned to life thanks to a miraculous intervention of Jesus, Lazarus does not talk about his metaphysical experience, but instead he returns to the tomb and gets drunk with the wine.


Wojciech Żukrowski, reminiscencje biblijne, powieść współczesna, opowiadanie



Wzorek, A. (2013) “Biblical reminiscences of Wojciech Żukrowski’s work”, Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 13(13), pp. 291–308. doi: 10.15290/sw.2013.13.22.

Anna Wzorek