The eternal story about Pigmalion and Galateya in the poem Teogonija by Michael Gofajzen
Anastazja Zieziulewicz
Antique myth about Pigmalione and Galateee is interpreted in M. Gofajzen’s poem Teogonija. The eternal plot is transformed in the tideway of postmodernist tendencies. The invariant is exposed to a reduction (the motive of love of the artist and the statue which was created by him disappears) and a inversion – as a result of the creation certificate revived Galatea dies and leaves the world which is created by Pygmalion, but exchange she has an opportunity of eternal life in the uncountable worlds of addressees of art under condition of successful communicative interaction between the creator and the recipient. The artist who has given freedom to the product cannot influence its destiny and should continue creative activity. Thus the author assimilates to God-founder who creates own world by the Universe example. Interpretation of an antique plot in the postmodernist text shows the aesthetic complexities accompanying creative process, and confirms the new status of the Creator, removing the thesis about “Death of the Author” in its traditional understanding.