Interlingual Polish-Russian homonyms and paronyms – a proposal of classification

Krzysztof Rutkowski


The article is a voice to discussion on capability and ways of systematization of polish-russian interlingual homonyms and paronyms. Suggested classification is based on assumption that the homonym units can be distributed according to structural criteria and extrastructural one. Structural criteria categorize them using both the similarity of lexical units (acoustic or graphic) and the grade of genetic relationship existing between them. Extrastructural criteria systematize the homonyms and paronyms verifying potential relation of an asymmetry both in lexical meaning and connotative level (shade of meaning, stylistic tinge), as well the symmetry/asymmetry at the grammatical level.


homonimy, paronimy, ekwiwalenty leksykalne, klasyfikacja



Rutkowski, K. (2012) “Interlingual Polish-Russian homonyms and paronyms – a proposal of classification”, Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 12(12), pp. 305–319. doi: 10.15290/sw.2012.12.23.

Krzysztof Rutkowski