Romances by Aleksandra Masłowska. Digital technologies “in the service” of solo performance of musical works
Zbigniew Stępniak
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, Wydział SztukiAbstract
The article presents innovative research – with the use of digital technologies – in the field of vocal interpretation of poetic texts – three poems by Czesław Miłosz, translated into Russian, to which Aleksandra Masłowska-Smirnova from Kaliningrad, a composer of the young generation, composed music, defining the genre of the composition as romances. The romances were composed for a specific person, Fr. Zbigniew Stępniak with a rare basso profondo voice. Due to the significant scale of performance difficulties, compositions based on the poems of Cz. Miłosz became the subject of an experiment aimed at facilitating the execution process. The aim of the article was to describe an innovative experiment carried out during a scientific internship at the Studio für Stimmforschung at the Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber in Dresden and to professionally interpret the results of the research. The author shares his own experiences, which young performers of compositions based on emotionally saturated poetic texts will be able to use. The remarks on translation devices included in the text were related to the purpose of poetic texts for writing compositions and solo performances.Keywords:
compositions by Aleksandra Masłowska, poetry by Czesław Miłosz, Russian romance, solo performance, computer, digital technologiesReferences
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