For reviewers

For reviewers


The journal uses the following rules for reviewing scientific publications:


  1. Editors perform an initial qualification of the submitted materials in terms of compliance with the subject and profile of the journal.
  2. For each text qualified for publication, at least two independent reviewers from outside the unit where the author is certified are appointed. The author (s) and reviewers do not know their identities (the so-called double-blind review process).
  3. The reviewer is obliged to submit a declaration that there is no con fl ict of interest, which is considered to be the following between the reviewer and the author: a. Direct personal relations (kinship, legal ties, con fl ict), b. Relationships of professional subordination, c. Direct scientific cooperation during the last two years preceding the preparation of the review.
  4. The review is in writing and ends with an unequivocal request for the article to be published or rejected.
  5. The list of reviewers cooperating with the journal is available in every issue of the journal and on the website.
  6. The names of the reviewers of individual publications are not disclosed.