Analiza pragmatyczna leksemu "właśnie" i jego odpowiedników w języku rosyjskim i angielskim

Artur Czapiga


The article presents the analysis of Polish lexeme właśnie and its Russian and English equivalents – the latter ones being excerpted on the basis of research conducted in bilingual dictionaries. The concept of speech acts remains the theoretical background of the survey, the lexemes are confronted on both – semantic and pragmatic levels in order to reveal their pragmatic functions. The material for pragmatic analysis comes from contemporary literary works – which on the level of text analysis are treated in the present paper as equal to the spoken discourse. It occurs that the lexemes under investigation form expanded material which despite its volume shows little diversity. Although only relatively small portion of utterances realise a pragmatic function (in terms of Awdiejew), due to their popularity one gets a considerable number of such examples. The most frequent types of those functions agree in all the three languages.

Ключевые слова:

analiza pragmatyczna, akty mowy, język polski, język rosyjski, język angielski



Czapiga, A. (2014) «Analiza pragmatyczna leksemu „właśnie“ i jego odpowiedników w języku rosyjskim i angielskim», Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 14(14), сс. 151–164. doi: 10.15290/sw.2014.14.12.

Artur Czapiga