Список действующих лиц и костюмы и их функции в пьесе А.Н. Островского В чужом пиру похмелье и одноименном спектакле А. Коршунова (театр «Сфера», г. Москва)

Ирина Исакова

Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова. Филологический факультет. Кафедра теории литературы


Functions dramatis personae and costumes of characters in the perceptions of readers and viewers of A. N. Ostrovsky’s play Hangover at Somebody Else’s Feast and of the eponymous play by A. Korshunov put jn the staged at the Moscow Drama Theatre “Sphere”. Summary: The readers’ / audience’s perception of A. N. Ostrovsky’s play Hangover at Somebody Else’s Feast depends greatly on the dramatis personae (the names of the characters and the naming principles applied to them are as important as their characterization). The names of the characters often hint at their main personality traits, the naming principles (monomial, binominal, trinomial) help to indicate the characters’ social position in the first place, as well as sometimes the level of their intellectual development (the use of the names in their full form as opposed to the shortened one). The characters often distort names in order to show their attitude towards their interlocutor. In A. Korshunov’s version put on the stage of the Moscow Drama Theatre “Sphere” (“Sfera”) the same impression is achieved with the help of different stage means. Some anachronisms committed by the director can be justified as they enable the modern audience vaguely acquainted with the XIX century way of life imagine more clearly the personalities of the characters. Costumes, stage scenery, gestures and so on help to emphasize the gap between the intelligentsia and the merchants. But this gap is more evident in the older generation, in the younger generation it is narrowed. The costumes emphasize the bond between the merchants and the peasants, which the former try to break imitating the nobles.

Ключові слова:

драматургия, спектакль, список действующих лиц, имя, характеристика, жесты, А. Н. Островский, В чужом пиру похмелье, принцип именования, костюм

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Островский А.Н., 1950, В чужом пиру похмелье, [в:] Полн. собр. соч. В 16 т., т. 2, Москва.

Пави П., 1991, Словарь театра, Москва.

Петровский Н.А., 2005, Словарь русских личных имен, Москва.

Суперанская А.В., 2009, Словарь народных форм русских имен, Москва.

Топоров В.Н., 1995, «Бедная Лиза» Карамзина. Опыт прочтения, Москва.



Исакова, И. (2016) «Список действующих лиц и костюмы и их функции в пьесе А.Н. Островского В чужом пиру похмелье и одноименном спектакле А. Коршунова (театр ‘Сфера’, г. Москва)», Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 16, с. 35–53. doi: 10.15290/sw.2016.16.03.

Ирина Исакова 
Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова. Филологический факультет. Кафедра теории литературы