Tematyczna i słowotwórcza analiza grupy leksykalnej polityka zewnętrzna (na materiale języka rosyjskiego)
Maryna Michaluk
Political lexis may be divided into two vast divisions: internal policy and external policy. A distinctive quality of foreign policy is the fact that in the international arena exists no one center and the whole policy in point is constituted by relations between states. Therefore the central place is in this case occupied by linguistic elements denominating just political relations and actions. The article is an attempt at a thematic and formative characteristics of the lexical group EXTERNAL POLICY. The first part of the article is thematic classification. On its basis three groups of lexemes have been distinguished. The first one contains general and basic terms which are indispensable to describe the international arena and its entities (e.g. внешняя политика, сверхполитика). The second group consists of expressions for international relations connected with the activity of representations of various states (e.g. дипломат, консул, полпред). The third group includes names of international relations connected with activities of states (integration/separation,signing/cancelling agreements, conflicts between states). The second part of the article is an analysis of selected formative processes within the group EXTERNAL POLICY. It discusses the process of prefixation and the analysis demonstrated inconsiderable variety in this field, since the lexemes noted had only a few prefixes (про-, нео-, меж-, де-, сверх-, супер-). No expressions with the prefixes анти-, контр-, лже-, псевдо-, после, пост-, ультра-, пред- and до- have not been noted.
Ключові слова:
język rosyjski, językoznawstwo, leksyka polityczna, słowotwórstwoПосилання
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