Sposoby identyfikacji mężczyzn i dzieci w parafii jednowierców w Pokrowsku w latach 1846–1902

Beata Radziwonowicz


This article is devoted to classification of typical nominal configuration, which are characteristic for man and children in edinovierts’ parish in Pokrovsk during their existence between 1846 and 1902. They, Russian old believers, settled here on the rental rights escaping from persecutions and decided to convert to edinoviery. Source material was taken from Duplicates of Population Registry of the mentioned parish, which are stored in the National Archive in Suwałki. Onomastic models fund in source, were divided into three groups: 1) analitycal forms, 2) first name + synthetic and patronimic forms, 3) first name + an element, acting as a second name in II or III place of nominal chain. Gathered material has been examine in a diachronic aspect too, it enables to follow the history of their evolution from predication to nomination.

Ключові слова:

staroobrzędowcy-jednowiercy, zestawienia nominacyjne, klasyfikacja, Suwalszczyzna



Radziwonowicz, B. (2014) «Sposoby identyfikacji mężczyzn i dzieci w parafii jednowierców w Pokrowsku w latach 1846–1902», Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 14(14), с. 229–248. doi: 10.15290/sw.2014.14.18.

Beata Radziwonowicz