Kapłani prawosławni w szkołach Białoruskiego (Wileńskiego) Okręgu Naukowego w okresie międzypowstaniowym (1832–1863)
Janina Wołczuk
The main topic of this article is history of education on the Polish territory as Russian partition between November and January uprisings. Part of the Russification policy was an introduction of religion classes spoken in Russian for students belonging to Orthodox Church. Teachers came from Orthodox clergy, graduates from seminaries in Western and central governorates of the Empire. The article is based on information from Historical Archive in Vilnius and provides basic data on those teachers.
Ключові слова:
szkolnictwo, lekcje religii, prawosławie, wiek XIX, kresy wschodnie, zabór rosyjski, kapłani, akademia duchowna, seminarium duchowne