Od leksykalnej homonimii międzyjęzykowej do paronimii

Krzysztof Rutkowski


The problems involved in separating Polish-Russian interlingual paronyms from a group of homonyms are described in this article. The aim of the research is to elaborate on specific criteria for selection of such lexical units. The most common articulation differences – including explanations of their reasons – are defined and discussed in the pairs of words that have both similar pronunciation and the same root. Finally, criteria for the selection of Polish-Russian paronyms are developed on the basis of regularly repeating (the most typical) phonetic asymmetries that could be interpreted from a historical perspective, e.g.: Pol. ó / Rus. o ≤ Pr.-Slav. *o (nałóg – налог), e/o ≤ *ъ (nosek – носок), -y/-ый, -ой ≤ *ъja ь (pozorny – позор-ный).

Ключові слова:

homonimy leksykalne, homonimia międzyjęzykowa, paronimia



Rutkowski, K. (2013) «Od leksykalnej homonimii międzyjęzykowej do paronimii», Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 13(13), с. 105–115. doi: 10.15290/sw.2013.13.09.

Krzysztof Rutkowski