Linguocultural and didactic potential of short humorous texts in the system of Ukrainian language teaching to foreign students
Мирослава Шевченко
Киïвський нацiональний унiверситет iменi Тараса Шевченка. Iнститут фiлологiï. Кафедра украïнськоï та росiйськоï мов як iноземнихAbstract
The goal of the research is to explain the reasonability of including humorous texts in study materials for the Ukrainian language, and to work out a methodically correct systemof using them with a foreign audience. Observational methods were used to find out how foreign students react to jokes during the study process, hypothetical and inductive experiment – to define the didactic and linguocultural potential of proposed texts and methodic experiment – to prove the educational efficiency of humorous texts. The research results confirm that creative work with short humorous texts will stimulate students to work actively in the classroom, motivate them to communicate in Ukrainian, and positively influence the level of communication proficiency.Keywords:
humorous text, selection criteria, exercise samplesReferences
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Киïвський нацiональний унiверситет iменi Тараса Шевченка. Iнститут фiлологiï. Кафедра украïнськоï та росiйськоï мов як iноземних