Pitfalls of the growing popularity of CAT tools in translation didactics

Marcin Szwed

SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, Katedra Anglistyki


The aim of this article is to determine potential pitfalls related to the growing popularity of computer-assisted translation tools for translation didactics from the perspective of translator’s competences and the translation training system. The article specifies the potential negative consequences of using CAT software as a didactic tool for the translation training system and the possible means of avoiding them. The article pinpoints and discusses the various mechanisms and principles of operation of modern CAT tools which, due to their highly utilitarian nature, may impact on the process of formation of translator’s competences.


translator’s competences, the translation training system, segmentation, translation didactics

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Szwed, M. (2017) “Pitfalls of the growing popularity of CAT tools in translation didactics”, Linguodidactica, 21, pp. 233–246. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2017.21.17.

Marcin Szwed 
SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, Katedra Anglistyki