Концепт ад в русском интернет-анекдоте
Olga Makarowska
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Wydział Neofilologii. Instytut Filologii RosyjskiejAbstrakt
This article analyses new ways of understanding hell by the Russians based on the examples of Internet joke texts. For the sake of this analysis 160 anecdotes have been selected from theme portals (Anekdoty.ru), social media (Wkontakte), forums, etc. The idea of hell emerging from the texts of the jokes largely corresponds with a traditional Russian idea of hell, the place where sinners are punished. However, a number of new elements have been discovered, such as VIP rooms, a neon advertisement, restaurants, and so forth. Surprisingly enough, the jokes depict hell as the place where sinners can have a good time. This article draws analogies between Hell and the Earth; it also describes those dwelling in hell, mostly devils and sinners. The comparison of the idea of hell from the Internet jokes with the idea of hell described in Russian forums has shown some considerable differences in the perception of hell as a concept.
Słowa kluczowe:
интернет-анекдот, структура ада, персоносфера адаBibliografia
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