Code of Ethics

The ethical principles applied by the periodical "Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie" to the authors of the published materials and reviewers are based on the recommendations of the COPE Committee on Publication Ethics, Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.

Rules for the editorial board of the journal 

The decision to accept or reject a given text is influenced by its compliance with the journal's profile. It is not influenced by the affiliation of the author of the article, his origin, nationality, political views, gender, ethnicity, religion, etc. The decision is made by the editor-in-chief on the basis of reviews and opinions of thematic editors, language editors and the scientific council.

The author (s) of the articles and the reviewers do not know their identities (the so-called double-blind review process). The names of the reviewers of individual publications / issues are not disclosed.

Articles rejected by the editorial office (including their fragments) may not be used in own research by editorial team members and reviewers, without the written consent of the author.

Reviewers cannot be persons who have a conflict of interest with the authors (direct reporting, direct personal relations).

The editor-in-chief is obliged to comply with the current legal status in the field of defamation, infringement of copyright and plagiarism.

If the editorial office receives information about the violation of the applicable ethical standards by the author of the article, actions are taken to verify the legitimacy of the allegations. If the violation of ethical principles is confirmed, the editor-in-chief is obliged to reject the text, collect appropriate documentation, inform the reviewers about the editorial decision, inform the author about the editorial activities and their results, contact the institution with which the author is affiliated in order to inform the author's superiors about the situation that arose.

Rules for authors

The authors of the texts should be people who have made a significant contribution to the concept and implementation of the research and the interpretation of its results. All authors of a given article must be identified and must accept the final version. The contribution of individual authors must be clearly indicated (submission of an appropriate declaration, available on the year's website).

Duplicating publications, plagiarism, false list of authors (the name of the researcher who made a significant contribution to the publication was not mentioned and was not included in the acknowledgments in the text), ghostwriting (the person was mentioned as the author / co-author of the text despite having little or no participation in research) constitute a violation of the ethical principles in force in the journal.

It is unethical behavior for the author to provide false or knowingly false information.

It is also unethical for the author to submit the same text to more than one editorial office of the journal, to publish materials describing the same research in more than one journal, and to submit a scientific article that is a translation of the published text.

It is the author's responsibility to disclose the sources of research funding, contributions from research institutions, associations and other entities, and any conflicts of interest that may affect their results or interpretation.

The author is obliged to immediately notify the editorial office of discovering an error or inaccuracy in the submitted text.

Any violations of the ethical rules in force in the journal constitute a reason to reject the article.

Rules for reviewers

Reviews should be made objectively, based on scientific arguments.

All reviewed texts should be treated as confidential documents (they cannot be presented to other persons for inspection and discussed outside the editorial board). They also cannot be used by the reviewer for personal gain.

All reviews are anonymous. The author (s) of the articles and the reviewers do not know their identities (the so-called double-blind review process).

Reviewers may not review works in relation to which there is a suspicion of a conflict of interest.

The reviewer is obliged to inform the editorial office of any violations of ethical standards by the authors.

Violation of ethics procedures

All allegations of ethical violations as recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) must be carefully investigated.

The editor-in-chief and the editorial committee consider it a priority to maintain the highest ethical standards in publishing practice and do not accept any form of plagiarism.

All submitted materials undergo a verification procedure using the iThenticate Similarity Check (Crossref) service. Cases of suspected or detected plagiarism are also required to be reported to the editor-in-chief by members of the editorial committee and reviewers of individual papers.

The procedure in case of finding plagiarism is in accordance with the instructions of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and depends on the degree of copying (the work is rejected, a decision may be made to contact the publisher of the copied work and the institution represented by the author).


The editor-in-chief and the editorial committee also check for other types of research misconduct, abuse, and copyright misconduct (e.g., “ghostwriting”, “guest authorship”, data falsification). If the suspicion is confirmed, the editors decide to independently examine the evidence presented or to appoint additional experts, as well as to involve the author's employers in the explanatory procedure. If copyright infringement is proven, the editors will inform the institution employing the author about this fact.

In case of. when a violation of ethical principles (plagiarism, "ghostwriting", "guest authorship", the presentation of unreliable findings in the publication, resulting from misconduct or unintentional error, previously published elsewhere without appropriate reference, consent or justification) is detected and documented after the publication of the article in the journal, the editors will withdraw the published materials.

Authors have the opportunity to respond to any allegations made against them.