About a modern liturgical singing practice of the Old Believers of Novosibirsk (on the example of service to the martyrs and confessors, suffered for their faith in the XVII century)

Ольга Светлова

Новосибирская государственная консерватория им. М.И. Глинки, Кафедра истории музыки


In the article the author adheres to the concept of defining the Old Believers as a living tradition that preserved the ancient Russian church singing art. The modern state of liturgical singing practice in the community of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church in Novosibirsk is considered. The particular qualities of the Old Believer service to the saints martyrs and confessors who suffered for their faith in the 17th century are analyzed. The author makes a conclusion about the uniqueness of the Old Believer culture, in which, despite inevitable modifications and updates, Old Russian liturgical singing continues to carry its true sacred meaning.


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Светлова, О. (2017) “About a modern liturgical singing practice of the Old Believers of Novosibirsk (on the example of service to the martyrs and confessors, suffered for their faith in the XVII century)”, Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 17, pp. 393–406. doi: 10.15290/sw.2017.17.27.

Ольга Светлова 
Новосибирская государственная консерватория им. М.И. Глинки, Кафедра истории музыки