Documented fact as a way of fiction
Wolha Hubskaja
Беларускi дзяржаўны эканамiчны ўнiверсiтэт, Факультэт мiжнародных бiзнес-камунiкацый, Кафедра беларускай i рускай моў
This article is an attempt to answer the question: what is the specificity of the real existence, documented facts in a literary context. It examines the role of historical fact in the literature. It is alleged that the phenomenon of historical fact, included in the text, functions as an artistic image, that expanding the possibilities of the writer. That is why there is a need to study the fact with an additional of the image as well as understanding these facts as a means of artistic expression for a particular person in a particular historical period under specific circumstances.
documented fact, fiction, topas, non-fiction, literature of factБеларускi дзяржаўны эканамiчны ўнiверсiтэт, Факультэт мiжнародных бiзнес-камунiкацый, Кафедра беларускай i рускай моў