Провiнцiйний свiт у творчостi Бруно Шульца як елемент авторськоï концепцiï

Наталя Маторiна

Донбаський державний педагогiчний унiверситет, Фiлологiчний факультет, Кафедра германськоï та слов’янськоï фiлологiï, м. Слов’янськ Донецькоï обл., Украïна


Bruno Schulz is one of the most original creators of Polish culture of the first half of the 20th century. Recently, interest in Bruno Schultz’s creative work has been growing all over the world. The literary works by Bruno Schulz clearly confirm that his artistic creativity is characterized by extraordinariness in everything: both in the context of artistic works and the author’s concept and the artistic reflection of reality. The writer chooses such characters, such dramatic situations, which allow him to unravel his creative ideas with the greatest expressiveness and evidence, to realize his author’s concept. The provincial world of Shultz’s works, his “special province”, as an element of the author’s concept, is represented in scientific studies through the lens of several elements: topographical, linguistic, “characteristic” (images of the characters), the element of numerous details, etc. The dilogy of short stories has been chosen as the source base: “Cinnamon Shops” and “Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass”, as well as several works that were not included in the first editions of these collections. The analysis of Bruno Schulz’s authorial concept contributes to a deeper and more complete understanding of the features of Bruno Schulz’s creation of a unique, artistic world, as well as the features of the artist’s way of perceiving and mastering real reality with its subsequent transformation into an artistic reality. Bruno Schulz tried to overcome the mediocrity destined for him by fate, to go beyond the boundaries of his “region of heresy”, while remaining himself – a Galician Jew, a classic of Polish literature, a singer of a special Ukrainian “secret” province, the symbolic mystical portrait of which, according to researchers, he had left to posterity.

Ключевые слова:

галицьке лiтературне пограниччя, Бруно Шульц, провiнцiологiя, геопоетика

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Маторiна Н. (2022) «Провiнцiйний свiт у творчостi Бруно Шульца як елемент авторськоï концепцiï», Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 22, сс. 79–98. doi: 10.15290/sw.2022.22.06.

Наталя Маторiна 
Донбаський державний педагогiчний унiверситет, Фiлологiчний факультет, Кафедра германськоï та слов’янськоï фiлологiï, м. Слов’янськ Донецькоï обл., Украïна