Uranium Narratives (Miedzianka, Jáchymov, “Wismut”)

Renata Makarska

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germersheim


The article reflects upon remembrance of uranium mining and its political repercussions in Poland, Czechoslovakia and East Germany. The author uses various ecocritical writings to analyze the narratives of human exploitation (forced labour and political prisoners) and environmental devastation (landscape and human settlements). As a result she finds common motives. These include acts of remembering or certain generic features, which invite comparative analysis of Miedzianka, Jáchymov and “Wismut”. The author concludes that after 1989 the three uranium mines undergo a similar transformation process and turn into lieux de memoires.


ecocriticism, narratives, uranium mines, Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany


Renata Makarska 
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germersheim


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