About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Białostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze serves as a discussion forum for presenting especially studies into history of Polish literature. The journal publishes articles on literary theory, methodology of literary studies as well as comparative studies and literary criticism. It also presents works on foreign literature and works that combine literary studies and other humanities, with special attention to manuscripts which concentrate on the broadly understood special studies, including such new strands within the humanities as geopoetics, ecopoetics, ecocriticism, geo-cultural studies.

Types of Submission

BSL publishes mainly research papers and review articles. The submissions must be original, not previously published, and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles are published in several sections, including permanent “Studies and Sketches”, “Readings and Discussions”, and “Interpretations”.

Papers can be submitted all year long. Occasionally, we publish thematic issues for which deadlines are announced in the Announcements section. 


We publish 2 issues per year: on the end of June and December. 

Languages of publication

Given the character of the journal, the articles are published in Polish, but exceptions can be made for manuscripts in English, French, German and Russian, provided they fulfill the content requirements.

Access model

BSL is an open access journal and does not charge any submission or publication fee to authors or their institutions.


All papers published in Białostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze are also deposited in the Repository of the University of Białystok (RUB) which serves a long-term preservation and a supplementary form of access to the content of the journal: https://repozytorium.uwb.edu.pl/jspui/handle/11320/266