District as Affective Place: “Cwaniary” by Sylwia Chutnik and “Królowa Salwatora” by Emma Popik

Katarzyna Szalewska


The article analyzes two urban novels Cwaniary by Sylwia Chutnik and Królowa Salwatora by Emma Popik. Both present the vision of city as an affective place. Their strongest similarity is in the way they project emotions upon the city and the transformations of public space which they document. The author of the article proposes to concentrate on a number of questions. These include the affective experience of urban space, polis as the space of ideological tensions, relationship between the centre and periphery, postmodern understanding of locality, and finally, the status of a district as the site of settling in, which allows one to claim “the right to the city”.


urban fiction, city studies, urban space, locality, postmodernity

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Katarzyna Szalewska 


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