Mycelium as Metaphor in the Works of Olga Tokarczuk
Anna Larenta
Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuAbstract
The article concentrates on the motif of fungi which reoccurs in Olga Tokarczuk’s novels. The author proves that mycelium functions as epistemological metaphor. It represents the vision of the world based on the interconnectedness, defying dichotomies. In this Tokarczuk’s works represent new humanities – the anthropocentric perspective gives way to non-anthropocentric. The author also emphasizes the fact that Tokarczuk’s use of mycelium pre-dates the same category introduced by A.L. Tising, who in turn extended the category of rhizome by G. Deleuze and F. Guattari.
metaphor, mycelium, rhizome, new humanities, non-anthropocentric discourseReferences
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Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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