Russia “Outside the Guidebook”. Some Remarks on the Margin of Mariusz Wilk’s “Northern Cycle”

Aleksandra Chomiuk

Uniwersytet im. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiejw Lublinie


The paper presents the evolution of the way of perceiving Russia in four works constituting M. Wilk’s northern cycle, which is the most
interesting description of Russian experience in Polish literature in the recent years. The most important change is the transition from the
assumptions regarding the North as the “essence of Russianness” to ethnographic-historical search revealing the presence of the peoples from
before the Russian colonization on this land. In the effect of the discomfort felt by the writer as a result of the clash of the communist accumulations of idealized “Russianness” and everyday experiencing it the thematic shifts towards “exploring own soul” and towards the process of the initiation into the spiritual reality of the North are becoming more and more expressive i in the last volumes of the diar.


Aleksandra Chomiuk 
Uniwersytet im. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiejw Lublinie


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