From Dostoyevsky to Bruno Schulz or on Different Forms of Laughter and Embarrassment

Hana Voisine-Jechova

emerytowany profesor Universit´e Paris IV


The paper presents some parallels between Dostoyevsky, Ka a and writers working in the atmosphere of their ethic hesitations and aesthetic
solutions. On the example of works of Bruno Schulz and Karel Capek the ˇ author discusses different kinds of ridiculousness of literary characters,
their actions and the situations, in which they are placed either consciously or unconsciously. Pointing to similarities and differences in the creation of degraded heroes, she observes that they are connected with existential problems discussed by writers and belong to the sphere of “aesthetic
discussion”, not to the sphere of traditional influences.


Hana Voisine-Jechova  
emerytowany profesor Universit´e Paris IV


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