The City as a Theatre. The Picture of London in Władysław Stanisław Reymont’s Early Travel Notes

Marek Kochanowski

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


Władysław Stanisław Reymont’s Notatki podróżne is the notes from the writer’s journey abroad in 1894. In the present paper the author analyses
the ways of organizing semantics of the notes, which are connected with theatricalizing the writer’s own experience and perceiving the reality in
the categories adequate for the theatrical stage. The main strategy Reymont employs is the role of the spectator, who presents described cities (Berlin, London, Paris) in the categories adequate for the theatre; the world is a spectacle of various kinds of behaviours and characters taking part in a number of performances. In this way the writer sets his own narration in the framework of the centuries-old, cultural metaphor, which says that
the world is a theatre.


Marek Kochanowski  
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


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