Death and Art at the Cafe Table. ´ On a Few Poems by Wisława Szymborska

Dariusz Kulesza

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


The author of the sketch presents W. Szymborska’s poetry, searching for its essence in post-October (1956) “I don’t know”, brought from the therapeutic function (genetically anti-socialist-realist) to the cafe attitude consequently realized by the poet, and even the entertaining one (Rymowanki dla dużych dzieci... / Rhymes for Big Kids). In addition, in the text this strategy (more epistemological than social) underwent a trial of reality, i.e. the confrontation with death. All that has been done, so that in
the ending it could be placed in the context of what, in an overly high-flown way, can be called history (theory) of art according to Wisława Szymborska.


Dariusz Kulesza 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


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