With Hrabal Among Animals

Wojciech Soliński

Institute of Polish Philology. University of Wroclaw


The article aims to interpret the so-called ‘animal prose’ by Bohumil Hrabal using some of the contemporary tools developed within animal studies, especially those that directly or indirectly address the broadly understood question of hunting. By ‘animal prose’ the author of this article understands these works by the Czech writer whose protagonists or narrative personae are wild, domesticated and breed animals, including the domestic and homing pigeons. All Hrabal’s works show a discernible tension in the human protagonists, torn between the species guilt and the realization that a return to the natural state is a classic example of wishful thinking.


animal studies, Czech literature, animals, hunting, nature

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Wojciech Soliński 
Institute of Polish Philology. University of Wroclaw https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8244-3101


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