Urbanalia as a Genological Proposal within Humanistic Urban Studies

Elżbieta Konończuk

Faculty of Philology. University of Bialystok


The article discusses the idea of urban genres as forms of textualization of urban spaces, as proposed by Katarzyna Szalewska in her book Urbanalia — miasto i jego teksty: Humanistyczne studia miejskie (Gdańsk 2017). The proposed category of ‘urbanalia’ describes the urban genological landscape that comprises verbal and non-verbal utterances. Szalewska redefines such urban genres as passage, anecdote, spacerownik, urban legend, faits divers, picture, physiology, and tableaux, thus completing the urban studies with the literary methodology. In addition, the forms described by the author are characterized by high artistic and folkloristic qualities.


genology, urban studies, urban genre, geopoetics, geoculture studies

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Elżbieta Konończuk 
Faculty of Philology. University of Bialystok https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9544-6595


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