The Post/non/human Body in Olga Tokarczuk’s “Opowiadania bizarne” [Bizarre Stories]

Klaudia Sordyl

Faculty of Humanities. Pedagogical Uniwersity of Krakow


The article analyzes the descriptive categories of the post/non/human body in selected short stories by Olga Tokarczuk from the volume Opowiadania bizarne  [Bizarre Stories]. The most important basis for this reading was the understanding of the body and its ontological perspectives proposed by Ewa Domańska and Monika Bakke. Particular attention was paid to the themes of genetic experiments and cyborgization (Wizyta [The Visit]), ethical and religious aspects (Góra Wszystkich Świętych [All Saints' Mountain]), and Tokarczuk's post-secular vision of a post-apocalyptic world (Kalendarz ludzkich świąt [The Calendar of Human Holidays]).


non-human body, cyborg, ethics, religion, post-secularism

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Klaudia Sordyl 
Faculty of Humanities. Pedagogical Uniwersity of Krakow


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