France in the Eyes of the Russian Travel Writers (“The Letters of Russian Travelling across Europe from 1802 to 1806” by Dmitry Gorikhvostov)

Magdalena Dąbrowska

Faculty of Applied Liguistics. University of Warsaw


The paper presents the findings of the research in the field of the Russian and French literary connections in the early 19th century (travels of the Russians to France, the picture of Germany in the Russian documentary and literary travel). The material for the study is based on The Letters of the Russian Travelling across Europe from 1802 to 1806 by Dmitry Gorikhvostov (parts 1-3, Moscow 1808). The interpretive context is the travel literature by Nikolay Karamzin (The Letters of the Russian Traveller, ed. 1801) and Gorikhvostov (The Notes of Russian Travelling across Europe from 1824 to 1827, 1831-1832). The Gorikhvostov’s work is discussed from three perspectives: 1. the purposes of the travel to France and the concept of the traveller; 2. the description of France (travel itinerary: Lille ‒ Reims ‒ Paris – Fontainebleau – Ermenonville etc.: museums, artworks, architecture, places connected with J. J. Rousseau, nature; a short story of the French literature); 3. the traveller’s attitude to France.


travel literature, travel, France, Russia, Dmitry Gorikhvostov, Nikolay Karamzin

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Magdalena Dąbrowska 
Faculty of Applied Liguistics. University of Warsaw


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