Wojciech Jagielski Nonfiction Writing Technique and His Connections with the Polish School of Non-Fiction

Katarzyna Sokołowska

Wydział Filologiczny. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


Wojciech Jagielski has been presented in the article as a successor to Ryszard Kapuściński’s accomplishments in the genre of literary nonfiction. Both authors continue the tradition of nonfiction writing which started after the First World War in Poland and which displayed their fascination with human history. They both share the technique of using parallels and analogies, which for Jagielski serves the purpose of presenting culturally and historically remote spaces. Another key characteristic of Jagielski’s oeuvre, namely creating complex psychological portraits of the people in power, also tends to utilize the aforementioned technique. In consequence, Jagielski’s artistic development often leads him out onto the territory of yet another tradition of nonfiction writing, the one based on social observation.


space, Wojciech Jagielski, literary nonfiction (reportage), psychological portrait

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Katarzyna Sokołowska 
Wydział Filologiczny. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


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