Writing an Observation Journal as a Form of Writing Animal Biographies: the Case of “Nakarmić wilki” by Maria Nurowska

Anna Naplocha

Library of the University in Zielona Góra


This article draws form what lies at the confluence of multispecies ethnography and zoonarration. It concerns the biomonitoring research, which includes an animal observation journal analyzed here as a form of animal biographies. Maria Nurowska's novel Nakarmić wilki [Feeding the Wolves] is presented within the framework of nature-culture, as well as the "third culture," and a wolf observation journal is presented as an animal life narrative. According to the author of the article, another way of reading the novel is from the zoocritical perspective as it presents the life of a wolf family presented and also contains the elements of ethology,  which, in turn, contributes to a deeper reflection on the topic of wolf protection. The wolf is no longer treated as a symbol (and thus left out of history), but is empowered by inclusion and agency.


novel, Nurowska, biography of animals, empowerment, multispecies, ethnography, zoonarratives

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Anna Naplocha 
Library of the University in Zielona Góra https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1324-6125


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