Between a Woman, Andreid and God: Villiers de l’Isle-Adam’s “Tomorrow’s Eve”

Krzysztof Andrulonis

Faculty of Polish Studies. University of Warsaw


The aim of the article is to present various interpretations of the novel written by Auguste Villiers d’Isle-Adam Tomorrow’s Eve, especially those related to its main character –  andreid (fr. andreide), or, in other words, an ideal woman. The first part of the discussion  reconstructs the history of the  possibility of creating an animated female being. This way of thinking goes back to the roots of European culture, in particular the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea, is associated with the legend of a mechanical girl created by Descartes, and came to be especially popular in  nineteenth-century literature, best illustrated by Tomorrow’s Eve.  Philosophy, especially the mechanicism of Julien Offray de la Mettrie, was also important in the development of the concept of the artificial man. However, the article points out that the title of his main work,  Man a Machine, is often taken too literally. In the analytical discussion that follows, the important fractures revealed in Villiers d'Isle-Adam's vision of the andreid are pointed out, including in particular the problem of whether the act was accomplished solely by means of the forces of science or whether it was supernatural in nature, as well as the significance, in the plot as a whole and especially in the ending, of the presence or absence of God and his justice.


andreid, French symbolism, God, Tomorrow's Eve, Villiers d'Isle Adam

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Krzysztof Andrulonis 
Faculty of Polish Studies. University of Warsaw


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