Traces of Franklin’s Expedition in Culture: The Shifting Fortunes of the Narrative of (Arctic) Exploration


Faculty of Philology. University of Lodz


The paper examines the changing cultural perceptions of one of the most famous and mysterious geographic expeditions of the 19th century, John Franklin’s search for the Northwest Passage. Analyzed herein in closer detail are two novels: The Discovery of Slowliness by Sten Nadolny and Wanting by Richard Flanagan, as well as three texts by Margaret Atwood: the short story The Age of Lead from the collection Wilderness Tips, her Oxford lecture “Concerning Franklin and his Gallant Crew”, published in the volume Strange Things. The Malevolant North in Canadian Literature, and the foreword to the reissue of O. Beatie and J. Geiger’s book Frozen in Time. The Fate of the Franklin Expedition. All of these tales of Franklin’s expedition reflect the vicissitudes of human fantasies about exploring unknown and menacing spaces – not just the mythical frozen North. They are also narratives about our relationship with Nature and all the fears and hopes associated with that relationship.


representations of space, Arctic expeditions, Canadian literature, ecoGothic.

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Faculty of Philology. University of Lodz


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