Different Faces of Literary City Guides

Wojciech Gałecki

Faculty of Philology. University of Wroclaw


The article attempts a literary analysis of certain aspects of texts that belong to the so-called geoliterature, here referred to as “literary city guides”. The author analyzes three different texts, corresponding to three descriptive strategies adopted in the books. The first, Praga z Hrabalem [Prague with Hrabal] by Tomaš Mazal, represents the “creator’s perspective”, and it deploys a guidebook narrative to tell a biography of an author. Next guidebook, Dublin z Ulissesem [Dublin with Ulysses] by Piotr Paziński, concentrates on a specific literary work and invites the reader to explore it with the help of special scenarios. The third, Mariusz Szczygieł's Osobisty przewodnik po Pradze [A Personal Guide to Prague], is an “authorial guide” which presents a unique personal perspective on the city. Summing up the analysis of guide strategies, the author of the article signals the possibility of looking at guide-related practices as a kind of model for literary studies.


guidebook, geoliterature, hermeneutic theory of genre, guide-strategies, autobiographical site

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Wojciech Gałecki 
Faculty of Philology. University of Wroclaw https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7524-8516


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